Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Scientific Observations!

Oops! Forgot the camera at school today, so no pictures until tomorrow! None the less, it was a busy day in second grade! We started our morning meeting with the pinky handshake greeting, singing in rounds (NOT easy...) and fixing up spelling sentences! Writing a proper sentence is a very important skill we will learn in second grade. We started one of our first ongoing science projects in second grade with our bulb observations! After a short video on plant life cycles, we examined our bulbs the way a scientist would. Taking care to notice every little detail. Then it was time to write our observations! So, what's an observation? It's what you see, what you notice, describing what something looks like or behaves like! Lucky for us, our bulbs were very well behaved, and pretty much just sat there while we drew and wrote about them! Thank you bulbs! Quiet reading was full of more books by Marc Brown, Diary of a Wimpy Kid books, and a new nonfiction favorite, animal fact books! We worked on spelling sentences and making corrections on our original work. Writing is a process, and it's very important that we learn how to reread our writing, and make sure it's written properly (capitals, punctuation, proper spelling of word wall words) and ... make it INTERESTING! We're studying short a vowel sound and how to spot it in words (especially in cvc, or consonant, vowel, consonant words) so all our spelling words have short a vowel sound! We also used our spelling words to practice rhyme, phonics and letter substitution, and even ABC order! Well done second graders!
Lola ran a spirited math meeting with lots of money counting and weather graphing! Well done Lola! We practiced more equation writing (using our math facts to 10) and learned that a math sentence can have the "sum" in the front! WHAT???? You mean, you can actually write an equation that starts with the sum... like 10=6+4!!! WOW! You don't always have to start your sentence with the addends (the 6+4 part)... this BLEW OUR MINDS!!! Wait until we learn that 5+5=2+8. WHOAH!!!! Awesome! We had fun with more energizers (the mullet and corn, to be exact). tomorrow is library day, library books please!

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