Greetings Friends! What a way to start the week. We began by writing in our handwriting books for the very first time by reviewing capital and lower case letters. Right after that we were off to art with Ms. Lee. Since Ms. Cialek is out all week helping with nature's classroom, Ms. McKenna was with us (and will be all week)! Morning meeting was next with Rockin' Robin, the "koosh behind the back" greeting, one great message, and the clothespin game (and today it was tricky)! Now that we've finished writing our high frequency words Ms. Worthley wa able to count (yes.... count.... every single one) all the words we know, and the words we're still learning in second grade. Now that we know the words we are still learning we were able to build our word wall! We immediately became word wall detectives, using our keen powers of observation to answer questions about our word wall! Well done friends! After quiet reading Ms. Worthley showed us exactly how to do our homework, with the help of our extremely smart smartboard! We talked about homework too, how reading 15 minutes, every night makes you a smarter, more confident student/person! More is OK too, but at least 15 minutes. We talked about how to write or draw about your reading (a connection you made, something your reading reminded you of, or maybe even a question that popped into your head when you were reading)! This is actually "thinking", and when your reading, you're really thinking! WOW! Every friend also has their very own book bag, and are free (encouraged, even) to borrow a classroom book every night they need one. If they have books at home, that's ok too! Homework is due back at school (in your HW folder) on Friday. No homework on the weekend, but feel free to cozy up with a good book, no matter what day it is!!!
In math we reviewed our learning from Friday and wrote our very own fact families! OUTSTANDING second graders! I was impressed, even the tricky ones didn't trick anyone! We reinforced important vocabulary like "equation", "number sentence", and "fact families"! We ended our afternoon talking about important jobs to help make our classroom a clean, organized place for learning. Cali helped remind us that you may not "like" every job (that's right, I'm talking to all you sink-helpers), it's still our responsibility to do our best at every job. Everyone will have a turn doing every job (true democracy in action)! Now that Ms. Worthley showed us how VIP works, we can't wait to enjoy this weeks first VIP, Kaela! Great day friends! Tomorrow, PE, sneakers please!
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