Howdy Folks! Adriana started our day with, might I say, a stellar, super-awesome morning meeting! She decided we would learn a new song... Chicken Lips and Lizard Hips. A very cool, fun, and quite disgusting song about eating animal parts (toenail pie, camel rears... need we say more??). After that we played Boppity Bop Bop Bop! Well done Adriana! We went right into handwriting (and, yes, we are just about the best group of second grade hand writers Ms. Worthley has ever seen), and wrote our upper and lower case "karate-kick" Ks like a bunch of professionals! We sorted our spelling words into ABC order.... super hard! Some of us had 3 or 4 words starting with the same letter.... YIKES... it's a good thing second graders can tackle "hard jobs" and stick with it! Well done friends!!
Workboard was fun, but a little shorter than usual, as we took a break to get our pictures taken. As you'd imagine... we were lookin' pretty good... showing off our second grade smiles! Can't wait to see them!
We finished our "doubles-riddle" book with a picture to match our riddle! Great work in math today friends.... even Mrs. Weinberger was impressed! Great math meeting too, Rebecca! And... a big "shout out!" to every friend in Rebecca's audience! So respectful, great participation and enthusiasm! Well done everyone! We ended the day practicing what will soon be a new piece of our homework. Students practiced reading a poem... paying attention to punctuation, phrasing, and reading with lots of expression. We call this "fluency" in second grade... and it's especially fun to read into the microphone! We will continue to practice this in school this week, and students will get one new poem in their homework packet each week. They should try and read it at least one time at home, each night (and yes, this can count as part of their required "15 minutes of reading homework"). It will probably take no longer than one or two minutes, and by Friday, they'll probably sound like they wrote is themselves! Great day! Sun, please come back... we want outdoor recess!
By the way... that's one "cracker-jack", super awesome line friends! Way to show everyone in our school how much you care! Even in the hall way! Well done!!