Ball toss greeting, and Oh Susanna started our morning meeting (or should I say..."Oh Charlie"...). Our day was off and running with guided discoveries in the ABC Center with "rainbow writing" and our spelling cards! We wrote letters back to Ms. Worthley, and enjoyed more quiet reading (as always)! We also paid tribute to our poor old fish Swimmy, who passed away (belly up you might say) on Monday. Students decided they wanted to pay tribute to Swimmy "close to home" and we lovingly buried Swimmy's body in our 2nd grade bulb garden. By giving his body back to the earth, he can make our garden a stronger richer place for our beautiful flowers to grow. Mary's lovely portrait of Swimmy (which we all signed) pays tribute to our fondness of Swimmy, and overlooks the garden. With that done, students enthusiastically chatted about the idea of having another fish, maybe one just like Swimmy... stay tuned!
We sorted beans in math today to draw and write about all the math facts 10 beans would make! We used vocabulary like: equation, sum, addition, bigger, math fact, number sentence, and equals! Tomorrow we'll review all the math facts 10 beans can make and use new vocabulary like: fact family and turn-around-fact. Fun!!
We ended the day with a round of "Boppity bop bop bop"! Another fun day full of new centers, newly forming friendships, energizers, buttons, and lots of learning! Have a great (quiet, rainy) night! Homework due tomorrow (bring it in your fancy homework folder and put in the basket with your purple folder)! Cheers!
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