Greetings friends! Let's just start by saying... MUCH BETTER work board today! Students were focused, productive, and independent, which means Ms. Worthley gets to read with many reading groups! What an improvement! More on that later...
Danny started our Friday with a snappy morning meeting! Rockin' Robin was great, along with the ball toss greeting (seriously good motor skills, friends), and the clothespin game! Then, we were off to buddy test, and "th" never looked better! Well done! With the 2 hour delay, our morning was shorter than usual, and quiet reading rounded out the morning. Students enjoyed more M.L.K. books, along with Arthur, Magic Tree House, and Dr. Seuss! In math, it was all about 14! Sums to 14 with our beans! Students used beans (concrete) to sort through all the equations we could make for the sum 14! Friends made some very wise predictions about how many equations we'd eventually come up with, and after sorting through them all... we reviewed them together! Nice work! Indeed, there are 15 equations for the sum 14! James ended math today with his last math meeting of the week. Great job James! Very thoughtful, well planned weather question! Instead of read aloud, we watched a short brain pop video on Dr. Martin Luther King, and talked about the impact he had in our country. Words like protest, segregation, civil disobedience, non-violent, boycott, and sit in, were all part of our discussion. Very thoughtful friends. Second graders are very clear on the injustice of being judged by the color of one's skin (instead of the content of their character)! Nice! We ended the day on work board, and as I said before, HUGE IMPROVEMENT!! Let's keep up the good work next week friends! Last, but certainly NOT least it was time for Lola's VIP celebration! Lola shared a very special horse she WELDED (yup, I said welded), with her grandfather, along with other keepsakes from family members. We all loved how Lola looks up to her Dad. Well done Lola! Think a little about MLK this weekend, as you enjoy your Monday Holiday. See you all on Tuesday!
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