Monday, September 10, 2012

Monday Math Facts!!!

Welcome back Friends! Our day started with the koosh toss greeting, a rousing game of "telephone" (the only time it's not rude to whisper), and Rockin' Robin! We launched our spelling program, and it was all about short a vowel sound! Students were given spelling words (fairly short words to emphasize the phonetic importance of learning the sound of short a), and can learn their words at home by tapping them out, or writing them. It's your student's choice, but this is one extra tiny piece of homework that should take about 1 minute each night. We learned how to sort words in ABC center the second grade way, and even wrote more of our high frequency words. In math we learned about fact families, and how certain numbers ALWAYS work together! We reinforced important math vocabulary (like equation, number sentence, addition, subtraction, fact family) and learned a new word today.. sum! Sum, as in the answer when you add two numbers together! You always end up with a BIGGER number when you add, and that number is called the sum!! We used turn around facts, and doubles to review all our fact families for addends up to 10, and did a pretty good job too! We even made up some of our own families, using the fact family principles by putting numbers together! And if that wasn't enough... we ended by reading Anne Geddes book "10 in the Bed". Boy, does Anne Geddes like babies, and the number 10, or WHAT???? Mrs. Cialek left for Nature's Classroom this week with the 5th grade, so Ms. Nowack will be joining us in her absence. Boy, we will miss our Mrs. Cialek, and can't wait to have her back! We ended the day in art class with Mrs. Lee, and boy how awesome it was to have her back! Homework this week continues to be reading, at least 15 minutes each night (and record on homework sheet), along with spelling (tapping or writing your words 1 time each night). Great day friends. Get to bed early and get a good sleep so you're ready for all our learning, energizers, new guided discoveries, and FUN!!! PE tomorrow... sneakers please. Oh... and by the way... the score is 2W: 3... Zelda: 0!! Well done!

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