Greetings Friends! After a nice, snowy weekend, we were all ready to get started in second grade! Olivia's morning meeting was quite an eye opener... LOVE the sparkle game! Thanks Olivia! Next it was handwriting with our old spelling rule, long u vowel sound. Great job remembering long u words, and using them appropriately! We practiced choosing 15 spelling words and putting our words onto our homework packets. From now on, we will have more words, what remains the same is students will still simply write each word, one time, on their homework packet each night. The new template for homework is meant to encourage (almost forces) students to write neatly and carefully!
We read some more about Martin Luther King, and, as you'd expect, some very thoughtful questions and conversation followed. Justice and equity, along with a strong moral compass is firmly rooted in our second grade class... that's for sure! Well done second graders!
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is our new addiction! We love every chapter and linger over every little detail Roald Dahl offers us! His take on all the quirky (spoiled rotten) characters make it unusually interesting, accept for Charlie, of course!!
In math, we learned about time lines (kind of like number lines, but different) and documented some important events as they happened during Dr. King's short meaningful life. "Who was president when King was shot?" "Is killing in a war ok?" Such provocative connections and questions for such a young group, but intensely thoughtful and deeply rooted in fairness. And in these times, it's no surprise smart caring youngsters who are taught to be careful observers would ask such difficult questions. Very impressive!
PE tomorrow... Sneakers please!
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