Howdy Friends! What a great day to end one fantastic week. We really got back into the "swing of things" post vacation, and had a very productive few days! Mackenzie started us off to a great Friday with her morning meeting! Well done Mackenzie! We practiced our handwriting while examining parts of Dr. King's very famous speech. The handwriting was unbelievable (no surprise) but the content was incredibly moving, sparking many meaningful conversations, yet again! After our buddy test (long u vowel sound.... GOT IT), we "fancied up" our M.L.K. words with color-washing in writing workshop and admired our results! Some very impressive words meet with equally impressive artistic representation! Wow! Please come check it out for yourself on our bulletin board! Inspiring, thoughtful, and very meaningful content!
We learned how to represent data on a table in math, and talked about how tables help us organize information. Especially when counting elephant legs!! Many second graders were new to "tables" in math (not pool, not ping pong, and certainly not DINNER tables) but we were quick to catch on!
We ended our day with Ethan's wonderful VIP! Again, I must say how impressed I am with the level of respect, courtesy, and interest Ethan's peers showed during his VIP presentation! Well spoken and very interesting Ethan! We look forward to Peter next week! Our last VIP! After which, sharing will take on a whole new meaning in second grade! Have a great weekend friends!
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