Mule Bwanjo Friends (as they say in Malawi)!! Danny started our day with a great morning meeting! Black Socks, sparkle, "Did you know" greeting, and a bar graph about the blog! Well done Danny! We missed Ms. Schumacher today (get better friend) but it meant we got to see one of our favorites, Mrs. McGinn! We practiced our spelling rule (plural nouns) and sorted our words, counted syllables, and used dictionaries to look up words! Well done friends! In writing workshop we practiced writing sentences using our spelling words, paying close attention to punctuation, capitals, and spelling, of course! Every sentence MUST begin with a capital, and a period HAS A JOB TO DO! It can't just hang around, floating anywhere in sentences! It's job is to END sentences!! Good practice, and I'm not sure anyone could have made spelling sentences more entertaining thatn Joe and Jake! Well done boys! Very well done, everyone! Now that everyone's had a turn to be VIP, we will begin sharing a new way. Each day, 2 friends may choose to share... on the next day (to give them time to prepare and get ready). What they choose to share has some guidelines that went home today in backpacks (golden news letter). We are all excited and eager to have our sharing day, but, to be fair, every friend will have at least one turn, before others are allowed another turn! Everyone may share as often as they like, and I hope we will learn even more about our friends and their interests, while working on oral communication and talking "on topic" and connecting with a listener! In math we played time bingo and practiced what we learned in our time unit! Students worked in teams, created super cool team names, and it was GAME ON! The Blue Cheetah team landed with a win today, though, all of us are winners when we can play games, contribute, and practice what we've learned!! We ended the day with fluency practice in the computer lab with addition and subtraction facts up to 20. We also had some time to browse other great math games on the blog having to do with odd/even numbers, place value, and time! Remember these games are here for everyone who wants to practice their math skills on the computer, and build confidence and fluency in math! Well done friends! Tomorrow... Bulb Garden Journals, Monthly Writing Samples, and PE... sneakers please.
OH... and we are out of classroom (extra) snack, if anyone would like to contribute some "GO" foods toward our classroom community snack bin! Thanks!!
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