Monday! And Makayla ran one super fine, efficient morning meeting! We loved singing Chicken Lips (I mean, what second grader doesn't love singing about camel rears and toe nail pie... ewwwww. Exactly!!) Well done Makayla! Writing workshop was all about personal narratives courtesy of our weekend stories! Danny G. and Owen shared some great writing at our author's share, helping us learn about what to do when we have too many "ands" in our writing. Well done boys! Great writing workshop! In math it was all about pocket day, and it was AWESOME!!!!! First, we counted our pockets (and some friends were very, VERY well prepared for pocket day). Yes, I'm talking to you... Mr. 10 pockets!! After recording all our numbers, we had to add and make "friendly" combinations of numbers that would make our adding easier! Great work second graders, and some amazingly close predictions!!! That was one impressive pocket day... can't wait for another one soon!
Our UMass student teacher Katelyn, read from Roald Dahl's The Fantastic Mr. Fox and we loved it! We ended the day catching up on work board while enjoying a new book display featuring the historical events surrounding the first Thanksgiving! Another great Monday friends! PE tomorrow, sneakers please.
Glad to get caught up on the blog! Stay tuned for more on our second grade feast, and author's share on Wednesday (the 23rd)!