Happy Friday Friends! What a productive morning! Excellent brainstorming session,writing workshop, and work board! I've gotta admit... when it comes to reading related center work... we are on top of our game!! The new work board is keeping us very busy while teachers meet with readers. Our focus continues to be fluency (sounding smooth with our reading) and comprehension, while making connections with the text as we go! Dialogue Journals have been a huge hit! Writers are literally cramping up with all the motor-work putting all those thoughts into our journals! I swear I thought I saw little curls of smoke coming off of someone's pencil, it was moving so furiously! This is quality "free" writing practice, and helps our development as writers, thinkers, and communicators!
After starting our day with P.O.W!! (Math... Problem Of the Week), we moved right into handwriting and spelling tests! I have to give every second grader PROPS to the neatness this week! I've been very impressed with the care and effort you've taken into producing neat work! As we say... does neatness count??? YOU BET!!
The afternoon's math block was interactive and full of 3-D Geometry!! Vocabulary practice was quick and LOUD as we played name that shape. We examined the world around us, and found shapes in classroom and real life objects!
Read aloud was a nice surprise, as THE ONE AND ONLY Roald Dahl did the reading! That's right, chapters 7 and 8 of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was delivered to us by the author himself! Different, cool and definitely unexpected!
We ended the day with a wonderful V.I.P. presentation by our own Arayana! We learned about her amazing violin talent, her family, and something about a moonlit swim on a summer birthday evening!?!? Arayana definitely knows "how to live" and shared memorable moments of her past with our whole class! Thanks Arayana... well done! And thank you to all the respectful listeners who enjoyed her presentation! Next week... The one... The only... Mr. Ben Morse!! Can't wait! Have a great weekend, get some good rest, good play, and get your groove on! See you back on Monday morning!
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