Another fun Friday... and very busy as well! As if the week couldn't get any better, we probably had one of the most quiet and productive mornings in weeks! Students were on task, cooperating when necessary, and we got a lot of work done! We got to watch the last little bit of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (after reading the book, and celebrating Willy Wonka Day, of course), and to top it all off, it was Gabe's V.I.P! And what a Very Important Person he was...sharing family vacation photos, family celebrations, and lots of history. I think we have a lot in common with Gabe... we love our family, we love the beach, and we love our friends! Well done Gabe!
We ended our Friday with a performance by Sunderland's (first ever) D.I. Team. D.I. stands for Destination Imagination (formerly known as Odyssey of the Mind... O.M.). It's a global organization (yep, pretty big!!) where students choose a long term challenge/problem, and solve all on their own! This years D.I. team challenge was to learn how to build a robot and present their robot in a skit where they write a story explaining how robotic technology helps human kind! An organization whose focus is based on completely kid-inspired thinking and creativity! Pretty cool! Kids can, indeed, change the world... and I've got a couple of second graders who can prove it too! Busy week with a lot of activity!
Next week... looking forward to conferencing with you all! Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday will all be half days (noon dismissal, no lunch) for students.
Happy Spring Everyone!!
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