Friday, January 17, 2014

Lab Reports and Sukhmann's Meetings!

If your name is Sukhmann... then you were extremely busy today in 2W!! Not only did Sukhmann start our day as the math meeting helper, counting money, calendar math, and counting days in school, but he was also our V.I.P! We learned even more about this extremely cool Dude, his family, friends, and what he misses in India! Next it was on to problem solving using the skills we learned counting money! Using language and understanding how to read and solve a problem, and determining what kind of skills we need to access to get the answer kept us very busy! We also had to show ALL OUR THINKING... using strategies like pictures, diagrams, labels, numbers and words! Well done problem solvers! As I said, Suk was very busy today, because right after math he was today's morning meeting helper and picked our greeting, game, and wrote his very own morning message! Well done Suk!! Next in reading workshop we continued with our nonfiction unit and read about our hero Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and all about his work in the Civil Rights Movement. As Kelsey said, it is a sad story anytime you talk about Dr. King because of how his life and work ended so abruptly and far too soon! Well said Kelsey, very thoughtful reflection. We also wrote about our reading paying close attention to text features. Not only what they are and why they're important, but how they can help us understand a topic better! In writing workshop we are learning all about scientific writing with experiments and lab reports. Today we took our question and hypothesis and put put our procedure to work! This meant measuring how far our car traveled on the rug, and how far the car traveled on the floor! We paid close attention to detail and made sure to perform each trial exactly the same! Measuring with precision, we learned that our hypothesis was correct. The friction on the carpet was thought to slow down how far the car traveled, and the smooth surface on the floor made the car travel farther! Well done scientists! We love this new unit and can't wait to pose more questions and write about our learning using lab reports! No school Monday, Martin Luther King Day! Enjoy your day off and think about his incredible life and legacy!

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