Greetings Friends!
Have you heard about the hottest new lunch-spot in town? It's buzzing with the best and youngest raw new talent in the area! Singing, dancing, mandolin and piano players, I think I even saw this new amazing rope jumping act! Not only are these kids cracking the books in the mornings....crunching numbers in the afternoon, running meetings, counting money, learning to tell time to 5 minute intervals (harder than you think in this digital world of ours)...they're also working their talent! That's right! These kids have serious talent! And for some students, art, music, and sharing their talent are the ultimate pathways to academic achievement! Get ready to be impressed.... it takes a lot of courage to be a first or second grader and walk out in front of your whole school, with "standing room only" full of adults you've never met before... and grab that microphone! Not sure I could have done it when I was 7 years old. Now that's what I call courage second graders! Taking risks... trying hard, new things and learning from the experience! Very impressive!
If you play guitar... then you can appreciate that each of these guitar players are playing the G chord! Rock on little dudes!!