Greetings Friends! 2W has been a very busy place this week, and that's just the way we like it! We began sharing (individually) this week, and started with Adan's great drawing, Olivia's amazing flexibility, Lannashia's puppy, T.J.'s very special handmade quilt, Makenzie's pet hamster, and Maya's treasured hand painted butterfly she's had since she was a baby! Wow! Great job everyone! Stopping our busy school day to listen to friends share meaningful treasures and talents is a great way to learn about each other! LOVE IT!
Adriana started our day with a great morning meeting... Oh Susanah, High five greeting, and the weekend song! Well done Adriana!
We practiced vocabulary with our contraction rule by using our words in sentences. TJ shared some great work as well, very thoughtful and well constructed sentences TJ! Nice job!
We continued learning about time, clocks, parts of a clock, and how it all works! With a world saturated in cell phone technology, students rarely look at and use clocks to stay on schedule. We're learning how to read analog (as well as digital) clocks, and how to measure the passing of time. Harder than it seems in a clockless world... but we're up for the challenge!
We also met with our 4th grade buddies and made more of our friendship pins to sell to our classmates in hopes of making money for our pen pals in Malawi! We've been working hard on the manufacturing piece, and had several "business meetings" with our buddies on negotiating a fair price, teams to sell our wares during lunch, and issuing press releases to make the public aware of our initiative! Can I just say, we LOVE working with our buddies, especially when the result is global outreach on behalf of helping our Malawi friends purchase useful tools which support their learning! We begin selling our friendship pins on Monday (Valentine's Day... how appropriate) during the lunch. We will also be selling our pins and sharing our outreach project with the community at the Polka Party! Come check us out and see what all the buzz is about!
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